"Lighten up as the day awakens, shine brighter as the world grows dim, cheering on and never forsaken, as there's you and me, her and him..."

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I was playing around with words when my lightbulb sprang into life today, I am not sure where this came from as this spurt of inspiration came when I was busy invigilating for Monthly Test 3 over at Labuan International School... Whoever reads this, enjoy.


Just there over that ocean,
way beyond that horizontal line,
that's where I should have gone.
Gone with him who once was mine.

Had only I honestly spoken,
Loneliness would never be a stain,
Had only I earnestly listened,
To him who was there in pain.

Now suddenly, everything seemed dim.
A future so silently forgone.
Swallowed in regret, so firm,
Asking, "Will I be forever alone?"

The beginner's beginning...

"Aspiring to be inspired by what we take for granted everyday..."

I am new at this and I hope that one of these days, I will not feel the awkwardness of beginning something I never do before.

Be patient with my stumbles... Thank you.